.CN域名,使用更有保障_TaS Web Operating co. Ltd





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有效期至:2018-06-26 [已过期]

TaS Web Operating co. Ltd
未认证 谨防假冒!


If you want to develop your business in China, how can it be less than the top domain name of the local country? Now, you can not only have ".CN", but you can also register "China" to show the innovation and modern sense of your business.

RegisteRED.CN and. The 6 great benefits of Chinese domain name:

1. the marked role of identification embodies the value and orientation of its own.

2. the application of Chinese law to ensure the interests of the users in an all-round way;

3. all Chinese services to ensure the user's right to know;

4..CN domain name is rich, can obtain the satisfactory domain name;

5. the registration procedure is - and quick.

6..CN domain name, the use is more secure.

Quickly register all domain names to protect your brand brand. For more details, login www.taswo.org TaS Web Operating Co. Ltd

发布时间:2017-12-26 19:27  点击:46

